(For best results, make sure "Word Wrap" in your text editor is turned on.)
Title: Noisy Keyboard
Version: 2.0
Author: Lior Ostrowsky
E-mail: lior_o@yahoo.com or lioro@hotmail.com
Web site: http://members.tripod.com/~leeos
Release date: October, 1998
This software is released as "freeware." It may be freely distributed through all regular shareware and freeware channels, but it may not be sold. All rights are reserved by Lior Ostrowsky.
Because of the wide variety of hardware and software combinations available today, it's up to the user to ensure that Noisy Mouse functions well in his or her environment. The user must assume the entire risk of using the product.
Noisy Keyboard lets you play a .wav file of your choice every time you press one of your keboard keys. All keys , ENTER key and BACKSPACE key may have sounds attached to them.
Noisy Keyboard is particularly handy and fun when you're working with your Word processor or Text editor (and miss your old typewriter).
- Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.x
- Sound card (16-bit sound card needed to play the enclosed .wav files) and speakers
- Enough free disk space to accommodate the software (around 430KB)
- Nkboarb.exe (the Noisy Keyboard executable)
- Nkboard.dll (.dll file needed to run Noisy Keyboard)
- ReadMe.txt (what you're reading right now)
- Setup keystroke events.exe (lets you install and uninstall the Noisy sound events)
- Key.wav, return.wav, Space.wav (three sample .wav files for assigning to Noisy Keyboard events)
1. Copy the contents of this archive to a folder of your choice (such as C:\NKEYBOARD or C:\Program Files\Noisy Keyboard).
2. Run the file Setup keystroke events.exe. This will let you install the Noisy Keyboard sound events to the Windows Control Panel Sounds Properties applet when you press the "Install" button.
3. The Windows Control Panel Sounds Properties applet will open, letting you assign any .wav file you want to the new Noisy Keyboard events. Three .wav files (recorded in 22K 16-bit mono) you might wish to use are included. If you don't wish to hear one of the Noisy Keyboard events, leave its event set to (None).
4. For convenience, it's recommended that you put your favorite sounds in the Media folder (usually C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA) so they'll appear in the Sounds Properties applet dropdown box, which lets you change them more easily.
5. Create a shortcut to Nkboard.exe in your StartUp folder if you wish Noisy Keyboard to launch each time you boot into Windows.
1. Run Setup keystroke events.exe.
2. Click on the "Uninstall" button to remove the sound events from the Control Panel Sounds Properties applet.
3. Delete all the files that came with this archive.
4. Delete any Noisy Keyboard shortcuts you may have created.
After installing the Noisy Keyboard sound events (see above) run Nkboard.exe, which will place an icon in your system tray. You'll then hear an assigned sound each time you press one of your keyboard keys. To turn Noisy Keyboard on or off, left-click once on the taskbar icon. Or, you can right-click on the taskbar icon and choose "Noisy Keyboard" from its popup menu. Everything else should be self-explanatory.
If you're already using a utility to assign functions to your keyboard keys Noisy Keyboard might not play sounds for those keys that are already assigned. Also, if you're using a third-party utility to play additional sounds in Windows (like Wired For Sound Pro), Noisy Keyboard might conflict with some of the other program's sounds.
Version 1.0
- Initial Not Release version
Version 2.0
- Initial Release
Please let me know what you think, or if you have any problems or suggestions for a future release.
lior_o@yahoo.com lioro@hotmail.com
Web site:
If you don't want to use the Window Sounds applet, you can put any three.wav files in the same folder as Nmouse.exe and name them:
- Kboard.wav (for the all keys sound - NOT ENTER & BACKSPACE)